全球快消息!you and me刘欢歌曲_you and me刘欢
2023-06-15 11:49:05 来源: 互联网
1、我和你心连心同住地球村为梦想千里行相会在北京来吧朋友伸出你的手我和你心连心永远一家人you and mefrom one worldwe are familytravel one dreama thousand milesmeeting in beijingcome togetherput your hand in mineyou and mefrom one worldwe are familyyou and mefrom one worldwe are family(we are family)come togethermeeting in beijing我和你(you and me)心连心(from one world)同住地球村(we are family)为梦想千里行(come together)meeting in beijing来吧朋友伸出你的手you and mefrom one worldwe are family。
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